Perpetuating the teachings of Dr. Clarence S. Gonstead, funding chiropractic research, and encouraging cooperation and camaraderie amongst all who practice the Gonstead technique.
We're a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization, helping protect & defend The Gonstead System
What instrument do you use?: Activator, x-ray analysis, pelvic bench, Nervo-Scope
Do you use modalities? (Describe): Electrical stimulation with ice and heat, class 4 laser therapy, spinal decompression of cervical and lumbar spine, neuromuscular reeducation, massage therapy
Chiropractic College: Life University-Marietta, GA
Last Gonstead Seminar Attended: Dr. Wood Gonstead Seminars in 2018 in Daytona Beach, FL
How many Gonstead System Seminars have you attended?: 15