“Gonstead X-ray Analysis and Clinical Case Management —Improving Spinal Curves"
By: Richard A. Elbert, D.C. Gonstead Fellow
Place your order at https://functionalchiro.cottrellonline.com/
“Gonstead-The Adjustor”
by Matthew Amman
(There are NO COPIES of this limited-edition book remaining for distribution. An announcement will be made should the GCSS decide to reprint it. A heart-felt thank you to all who donated to the Gonstead Research Fund and received the book as a gift!) The most complete biography ever written about Dr. Gonstead, his family, his offices, his trials and tribulations is here! Matthew Amman, DC has done exhaustive research for more than 15 years on Dr. Gonstead. “Gonstead—The Adjustor” is unequivocally THE authority with never before seen pictures and documents. This 414 page hard cover book includes color photos and measures 10.5 x 12 inches making it a perfect reception room or coffee table display. Order your book today! Act quickly this is a limited edition publication! The cost is a $160 donation to the Gonstead Research Fund (plus shipping & handling). Email michele@gonstead.com or download the Order Form to reserve your copy. Read More Here: https://www.gonstead.com/gonstead-adjustor-matthew-amman-dc
(The Chapters - The Art and Science of Chiropractic)
Herbst RW
Gonstead Chiropractic Science & Art
Sci-Chi Publications
To Purchase this book contact:
The C. S. Gonstead Chiropractic Foundation, Inc.
Order books by emailing gonsteadfrontdesk@mhtc.net or by calling 608-437-5585.
Plaugher G (ed). Textbook of Clinical Chiropractic. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. 1993.
Textbook of Clinical Chiropractic: A Specific Biomechanical Approach
Edited by Gregory Plaugher & Mark A. Lopes
ISBN 978-1622490509 537 pages
Now in paperback for $49.95
Be sure to use Smile.Amazon.com and choose Gonstead Clinical Studies Society as the non-profit Amazon will donate a percentage of your purchase.
The “Purple Book” is back in print!
Anrig C, Plaugher G (eds). Pediatric Chiropractic. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. 1997.
The Long Awaited Third Edition of Pediatric Chiropractic
The third edition provides the Gonstead Family Wellness chiropractor with the tools they need to provide chiropractic care to infants, children, and pregnant women.
It is 50% bigger than the first edition and has thirteen additional chapters.
Questions: (559) 291-7800
It is also available on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Pediatric-Chiropractic-Claudia-Anrig-DC/
Or it can be purchased directly from the publisher at https://shop.lww.com/Pediatric-Chiropractic/p/9781975163105
Werking M K Werking On Extremities: A Specific Approach To Extremity Conditions and Care
ISBN 978-1-4507-9027-7 303 pages
Copyright 2011
Order books here: https://www.werkingonextremities.com/
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