Perpetuating the teachings of Dr. Clarence S. Gonstead, funding chiropractic research, and encouraging cooperation and camaraderie amongst all who practice the Gonstead technique.
We're a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization, helping protect & defend The Gonstead System
What instrument do you use?: Delta T, EDL Nervo-scope, Titronics thermography, Myovision sEMG, Myovision thermal scan, Full Spine Digital X-rays
Do you use modalities? (Describe): Integrated functional movement program; cold laser therapy to support faster healing, recovery, reducing inflammation
Chiropractic College: Northwestern Health Sciences University
Last Gonstead Seminar Attended: GMI Extravaganza April 2024 in Mt Horeb, WI
How many Gonstead System Seminars have you attended?: >5 GMI seminars, additional Gonstead lectures during school, member of Gonstead club in school, interned with Dr. Jason Wing Louie for 2 semesters